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US-Israel Relations and Obligations

“US Jewry has a strategic role in guaranteeing the future of the State of Israel.” Jay Ruderman, President of the Ruderman Foundation,

Learn more about United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012– and he also said that; “Our foundation helped establish the Knesset Lobby for US-Israel Relations in a bid to encourage a deeper and more sophisticated dialogue between the two communities.” he is referring to Jews in Israel and Jews in the United States.

Rabbi Rick Jacobs said during the meeting of the Knesset Lobby for US-Israel Relations that “the members, donors, and leaders of AIPAC and Federations are Reform and Conservative Jews. With Senator Lieberman’s retirement, every Jewish member of the Senate and House is a Reform or Conservative Jew.”

What are our chances to free our country of double standards citizen’s lawmakers in the House and Senate that put Israelis first and the American people after in any decision taken regarding foreign policy?

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