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Israel International Relations with the world

Gaza map shows all the blockade, cut completely from West Bank and Jerusalem.

Countries that never recognized Israel:
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei. Comoros, Djibouti, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tunisia, Yemen.

Countries that never formally recognized Israel:

Iran, Iraq and Syria.

Countries that cut relations with Israel:

Bahrain, Belize, Bolivia,Colombia, Cuba, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nive, South Africa, UAE

UAE Halts Bilateral Cooperation with Israel Over Killing of Aid Workers, Apr. 04, 2024 8:29 p.m.

Bahrain, on Thursday (Nov 2,) recalled its ambassador to Israel and cut all economic ties with the country. November 02, 2023.

Back on Abril 16, Jordan’s first ambassador to Israel,Dr. Marwan Muasher, who was also one of the architects of the Arab Peace Initiative, has called on Amman to sever diplomatic relations with Benjamin Netanyahu. April 16, 2023

Bolivia severs ties with Israel, others recall envoys over Gaza October 31, 2023

Colombia to cut diplomatic ties with Israel over Gaza war, Petro says

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has announced plans to cut diplomatic ties with Israel over its war in the Gaza Strip. May 1, 2024

South Africa lawmakers vote to suspend Israel ties, close embassy, November 21, 2013

Countries that withdrew their Ambassadors from Israel

Chad, Chile, Colombia, Jordan, Honduras, South Africa, Turkey

Belize takes measures against Israel Since the 7th October 2023, Israel has consistently violated international law, international humanitarian law and the human rights of Gazans.Belmopan, November 14, 2023.

Honduras recalls ambassador to Israel as it condemns civilian Palestinian toll in war

Chile and Colombia recall their ambassadors to Israel, while Bolivia severs diplomatic ties

Yolanda Díaz calls on the Government to recall the ambassador to Israel for consultations to place pressure on Israel

Jordan recalls ambassador to Israel to protest Gaza ‘catastrophe’

Last week (November 09, 2023), South Africa withdrew its entire diplomatic staff from Tel Aviv for consultation on Israel’s war on Gaza.

On 4 November, Turkey announced its recalling of its ambassador to Israel, citing the “unfolding humanitarian tragedy in Gaza caused by the continuing attacks by Israel against civilians

Turkey’s Erdoğan calls Israel ‘terror state’ as he condemns Gaza hospital raid

Map of Palestine, Old Testament, Library of Congress. Protected under the fair right use, for educational purposes.
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