
Posts Tagged ‘monopoly’


September 20, 2010 1 comment

By Marivel Guzman Posted on September 21, 2010

The base of any species survival reside in the SEED. When we modify the structure of development of its genes we are creating a molecular conflict with its environment and its ability to evolve and adapt to the surroundings that were in place before its modification.

Monsanto have played in this field for quite some times, in its efforts to monopolize the supply of seeds, control its development and future behavior in a specific type of soil, which have also been modified to create the conditions for the new structure to grow.

Monsanto can change the genes of a particular specie of seed, and maybe change the soil where it will be developed, but Monsanto can not possible control all the conditions in the environment; such the weather conditions that are required to create healthy plants, microscopic organisms that by normal natural law live in certain types of soils.

Animals that by natural behavior pass through the fields or use these fields as dropping grounds. Really there are countless circumstances that can not be controlled by Monsanto and that can modify in its own the generic material created in the laboratory and in its act loosing their ability to control the future generations of that particular seed.

When Monsanto started doing their experimentation on crops, it was strictly with the purpose to control the resistance to certain insects, but as the government loose its control of this giant company and the governance of it, Monsanto unleashed it hungry monopoly system on trying to modify not only its resistance to plagues but also its grow, development and reproduction cycles, even getting to make some seeds hybrids and others unable to reproduce on its second generational life, these are known as suicide seeds.

Lets not forget that Mother Earth is the perfect creator of life and does not need any help. Have been the sole creator for thousands of years that we known of it.

If Monsanto lose its laboratories and can not control the continue modification to its perfect balance as they planned, the real catastrophe will take place in all the species that they equivocally modified without Mother Earth consent.

In the event of a global catastrophe. Do you ever wonder what will happen to the species that were modified.

What then?…what it will happen? when they can’t modify the species any more, when all the seeds have lose its ability to reproduce? Who will come to the rescue of the seeds.
The seeds are the base of survival of any species, if we play with their genetic material we taking the risk to forever lose that specie. Every time that one seed is modify, nature lose that specie. We lose that specie.

Monsanto have been modifying genes for 30 years, that we know. There is a short list known to the scientific community, and to the governmental agencies in charge of controlling its activities. But really Monsanto have been honest to the world? Does it planned since the beginning the seize of life on Earth. Did it do it with all premeditation and advantage to control and monopoly the seeds production and/or the food supply?

This are not easy questions to answer without being being puzzled by worry and grieve for our future. The farmers that have suffered already the unfair practices of Monsanto and the controversial rulings of the courts around the world, know better.

Every body should be asking these questions, you do not need to be farmer to be concerned with your future.
If you are human and need to eat to survive, you better start your research on Monsanto activities.

Do what is at your hands to control, DO NOT BE PART of this criminal enterprise that is MONSANTO. DO NOT EAT seedless fruits. Do not eat any vegetables or animal known to have been genetically modified. Why?…because Monsanto oversees the production of seeds and did not took in consideration the DNA modification on Humans and Animals that consume their modified crops.

They only worry for their profits and their monopoly of seeds and eventually Monopoly of Food Supplies.

Monsanto and their gang think that they have cover all the situations, they planned so well, with the complicity of the International Monetary Fund that with trickery forced third world countries to take loan from them, and to force them to import contaminated seeds. They forced these third world countries to “DONATE” TONS OF VIRGIN SEEDS to be stored in the Domed Vault in Norway. Few Billionaires were invited to be part of this Future Enterprise for humanity.

Just recently we saw a video on youtube where farmers in Haiti where burning seeds donated by MONSANTO, those farmers knew what they were doing, they prefer suffer hungry now and not starve to death in a not to far future.
“Food Freedom recently reported that Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, peasant farmer leader of the Peasant Movement of Papay (MPP) called the entry of Monsanto seeds into Haiti “a very strong attack on small agriculture, on farmers, on biodiversity, on Creole seeds. Monsanto’s seed donations were an unwelcomed gift to a country with vocal opposition to GMO seeds for fear they would ruin what little agriculture the country has left.

Monsanto will be donating 60,000 seed sacks of hybrid corn and vegetable seeds to Haiti and MPP leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste has vowed to burn them. According to Food Freedom,”

There is nothing that you as “CONSUMER” can not do, after all we live in a consumerist society ruled by the power of SUPPLY AND DEMAND, do not demand/eat their products and soon rather than later they have to stop producing them.

SAVE your world is in your hands. WAKE UP and take your future back.